Falling (2011 24 One Submission and Out-Takes)

This year’s 24-hour filmmaking competition at the EIFF required us to make a 6 minute romance film incorporating The Golden Cup Of Opportunity and the phrase “pretty in pink.” Not only did we make the top 10 and get screened at the festival… JOSH WON BEST FUCKING ACTOR!!! Seriously, the category was “best fucking actor,” and the extended sex scene in the version we submitted clinched it for him. Anyway, here’s the video AND the out-takes… TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE WHICH IS ALSO FREE!!!


For months, the goings-on of once-famed college alt-rock duo Said Saviour’s Cock have been shrouded in mystery.  Will they ever make more videos?  Are they dead?  If so, who’s in charge of who gets all their stuff?

At long last, the full, uncensored story of Said Saviour’s Cock can be seen here, in “Reunion.”  Their rise to fame, their tragic downfall, and finally, their resurgence; it’s all here.  Spread the word.
