Raisin #$&%ing Uterus

This one’s going up a bit late, but I’m punk now, so I’ll post videos WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT!!!  This is the fifth in a series of Open Auditions.  Any interested parties must first spend one night in my zany uncle’s haunted mansion.  Talk to me after you can prove that the Spooky Specter is really just Old Man Jenkins.

PS: I’m really sorry about the late post.  Please, please forgive me.


Upcoming Gig!!!

Said Saviour’s Cock will be taking part in a Russian Mixed-Tape Gig on Saturday, September 5th. “What the hell is a Russian Mixed-Tape Gig?” you ask? COME AND FIND OUT, BITCH!

PS: Josh and I signed up for this thing before he disappeared… really not sure what’s going to happen. Hope these auditions start improving, or I may be doing this one alone. Of course, there’s always the faint hope Josh will return… *sigh*



Sorry there haven’t been many updates lately… I just got back from the hospital.  You’ll see why.  Still very weak, have strange craving for human flesh and inexplicable tendency to speak in stilted shorthand.

This is the fourth in a series of Open Auditions.  Any interested parties must first beat my high score on “Trauma Center” for the Nintendo Wii.  Talk to me when you’ve removed the huge-ass piece of glass from that dude’s heart.